JUDICIARY Latest Features

Chief Inspector Visits Nsangi, Buwama, Lukaya Courts
Hon. Justice Stephen Musota (2nd Right) with staff of Lukaya Court

The Chief Inspector of Courts, Hon. Justice Stephen Musota, carried out inspections at the Nsangi, Buwama and Lukaya Magistrates' Courts. 

At Nsangi, he was welcomed by HW Nsaire Prossy, the Senior Magistrate Grade I; at Buwama, Senior Magistrate Grade I, HW Valerian Tuhimbise was on hand to receive him while at Lukaya Magistrates Court, HW Basajabalaba Jalia was there to receive him.

The Chief Inspector expressed concern over the shortage of State Attorneys which he said causes delays in disposal of criminal cases. 

He encouraged the Judicial Officers to avoid predictability indecision-making and embrace Mediation while handling cases.

The Chief Inspector was accompanied by HW Catherine Nankanja, Magistrate Grade I Research.

Posted 21st, November 2023
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